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Your highlights from 2024

19 December 2024

u3a members from around the country share their u3a highlights from 2024.

David, Leader of Edinburgh u3a Jogging Group

Edinburgh u3a has had a jogging group for several years. We meet weekly at different locations, so a jog is often combined with some exploration of the city. This year we realised that some members were keen to jog but were worried that they might be too slow or find running in a group too stressful. We have therefore started a ‘Rehab Running’ session, always in the same park which has parking, toilets and of course, a cafe. After a short warm-up, joggers run around the peripheral paths at their own speed, with the option to stop at a bench. We meet after 40 minutes or so for a beverage and a chat. Some who start these sessions gain the confidence to graduate to the group runs. We recommend Rehab Running to other u3a jogging groups. 

Margaret, Bury St Edmunds u3a

u3a has come up trumps this year! I’ve been a member for many years but only managed to attend a few lectures as it often clashed with my tennis. I also enjoyed the odd short course in history or other topics, but for the last few years I’ve been a carer for my husband who had Alzheimer’s, meaning I was unable to leave him. A few months ago, my husband died, and I was able to ‘take advantage’ of all that u3a has to offer – I've kept very busy with the ready-made activities and groups. I was determined to keep busy and not sit at home, and being a member of u3a gave me an immediate opportunity to join in and get involved. It’s been a lifeline without having to search out other things which might have suited me in my hour of need. There was a ready-made group out there with whom I felt comfortable before I even joined in fully. 

Sharon, Interest Groups Online

I joined Interest Groups Online this year to play with a recorder group by Zoom once a fortnight. I meet players from all over the country. I have been introduced to some lovely people and lovely music. We get the chance once a year to play live too. The sessions are so enjoyable, and any level of musicianship is welcome. Many thanks to Peter who leads our group so well. 

Barbara, Bury St Edmunds u3a

I gave a talk this year at the Apex with 5 minutes notice! I happened to have my memory stick in my bag and the women who was supposed to speak had the wrong day in her diary. I spoke on a different topic of course. She was going to speak on why birds sing. I was able to deliver a talk on ‘Patients who changed my way of thinking’. Someone came up to me afterwards and said it was one of the best talks she had heard

Simon, Wycombe u3a

I joined Wycombe U3A at the beginning of 2023 , and go to several of their special interest groups - local history, science, and the world we live in, as well as the monthly meetings and talks.

I have really enjoyed presenting talks to these groups, after doing all the research, drawing up an interesting and entertaining powerpoint, and practicing how to present it in an engaging way. I am normally quite shy but somehow find it easier to talk to a group rather than just chat.

I was made redundant back in 2020. In my job I had to make lots of presentations on expensive projects to senior managers, so I had plenty of practice of that, and a u3a audience is usually much more friendly ! These talks are my main hobby now in retirement, always looking for new ideas. I am still "only" 63 so maybe have a bit more energy than some of the older members.

Recently I have made 3 talks to the u3a science group - telescopes for astronomy at all wavelengths, what was the Christmas star, and the science of Santa.

For the u3a local history and the world we live in groups, I did a review of the problems of drinking water in the Chilterns, people were having to drink out of muddy puddles to at least 1920. Also gave two talks about big army exercises in the local area before the first world war . My next talk on Tuesday will be a history of a local church and churchyard which was formally owned by the local baronet.

Ruth, Bury St Edmunds u3a

I want to thank you for the excellent times I have had with both the Choir and monthly lectures. The Choir is a joy and so well lead by Karren. I have also made some good friends. The lectures are such a high standard and so interesting. Thank you for all you do.


In 2024, I started a u3a reading group 'JARG', Jane Austen Reading Group. It's a small group of members who enjoy all things Austen. We sometimes read a passage aloud, or chat about Jane Austen's life and times. This is always followed up by tea and cake, just as Jane would've done in her time!

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