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A Hug Online - Livestreaming Ukelele on Twitch

Dave Jones, Heswall u3a's ukelele group leader discusses how they have been using the livestreaming platform, Twitch, to play together
The Heswall Ukulele Group has turned the whole Covid 19 situation into an opportunity.
Ever since the first Lockdown we have been busy creating an online community to continue playing, stretching ourselves and meeting up each week.
We connected online by creating our very own channel: Hugukuleletv123 on the live streaming platform for gamers - Twitch.
I broadcast this at a high quality of sound and picture. Every week without fail at 10.30am on a Friday we have been meeting up on line and playing along to an ever growing list of songs.
We have recently introduced a fun way of selecting the songs we will sing by spinning a wheel with all of the song titles on it, wherever it stops we play that song!
We mark significant dates with a themed live stream. For instance we held a VE Day celebration of war time songs and for Halloween played some spooky songs. At Heswall u3a's Christmas Concert, we performed Christmas songs which was daunting. All of us have learned new skills of combining playing along whilst not actually being together and on top of that videoing the results!
Whilst we talk in between songs on our Friday sessions, we also have an online Social Club. 'Hug Social' is every Tuesday. It is very much our chance to catch up with each other.
As well as our Twitch channel, all our videoed contributed can be viewed on our YouTube Channel. I have been busy learning to edit videos!
The emphasis for us has been to retain a sense of community and embrace new skills but of course have fun doing so. It is an absolute pleasure to be involved with such a bunch of talented and dedicated people who willingly throw themselves in to whatever I ask them to do.
So the Hugukuleltv123 Channel goes from strength to strength and the only thing missing is more u3a members tuning in to our channel. You do not need to be able to play ukulele to watch us or sing along but other ukulele groups would be very welcome to get involved and provide material for the stream.
I would be happy to talk through with any other groups who feel they could make a contribution to our Live Streams and not just confined to Ukulele.
We have our very own website where you can find out more about us and which also has easy instructions of how to view our Live streams and how to join our growing online Community.
We hope others will take a look and consider joining us and have fun as we do whilst embracing Learn, Laugh, Live!
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