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Barbara Cordina visits Verulam u3a and Thurrock u3a

13 September 2023

Barbara Cordina, Trustee for the East of England region, discusses her recent visits to two u3as; Verulam u3a and Thurrock u3a

People sitting in a church listening to a talk Verulam u3a

I was delighted to visit Verulam u3a in St Albans for a second time. My first visit showed me what a friendly membership they have. They meet in the centre of St Albans. On this occasion I saw familiar faces again and enjoyed the presentation by Midshire Search and Rescue, an organisation I was not aware of previously.

Verulam u3a’s AGM is in November and they are currently looking for a new chair and secretary. They were pleased to report that there are some interested parties so all should be well. The current chair, Rick, has been very active and caring with his members. He is well known for his jokes at the meetings and received the usual groans and laughter this time.

I am very pleased to have been involved with this u3a during my time as Trustee and wish them very well for the future. I have been invited to attend as a guest whenever I wish, and I shall do just that.

People sat round a table eating dinner

Thurrock u3a

I had the pleasure of joining the members of Thurrock u3a for their 21st Anniversary lunch on 30th August. This was my second visit with them and I had a really good time. The lunch was delicious and the friendliness of the members outstanding.

The chair, Paul, is clearly doing something right. He has a very proactive and enthusiastic committee of 18 with a waiting list to go on the committee of 5! Absolutely wonderful!

I wish Thurrock well, keep up the good work!

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