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February 2018
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Psychology today
27 February 2018
Jane Bellworthy, U3A’s National Subject Adviser on Psychology, talks about recent films and books that might whet your appetite for the subject.
Trying new things
27 February 2018
Michael Rance, the National U3A Subject Adviser on Jazz, talks about why it is important to try new things.
Spirits of Sussex
15 February 2018
Louisa Sewell of Sussex U3A Network (SUN) introduces a new SLP on Legends, Myths and Spirits.
Wales Coast and Borders
15 February 2018
Stuart Murray from the U3A Wales Coastline and Border Celebration gives the latest on this large shared learning project.
Cottonopolis - an update
15 February 2018
Jenny Carley from the U3A Greater Manchester Network gives an update on the shared learning project Cottonopolis.
An evening on the range
15 February 2018
The second instalment of Arthur House's stories about real life in the Home Guard.
Up the hill, lads
04 February 2018
It was in early springtime on a cold and frosty Sunday morning that I joined a small group of my school friends at the railway station together with the main body of the town HG to take part in another exercise. We were to attack a position at the summit of a hill a mile or so south of the statio...