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Learning More About: Welsh Festive Traditions
24 December 2021
Research and Shared Learning Coordinator for Wales, Sue shares some Welsh traditions.
Learning More About: Film
15 November 2021
The u3a subject adviser for film, Claire, talks about her experience running a u3a film group and her favourite films.
London Region of u3as Celebrate the Twenties
15 September 2021
Rona and Catherine talk about the London Region of u3a's Summer School in which members met face-to-face for a 'Twenties' themed day event
Third Age Matters - Looking Back on 2020
22 December 2020
Joanne Smith, Editor of our magazine Third Age Matters, has her round up of the best of 2020
Learning in the U3A Movement
09 November 2020
Trustee for Wales Chris Winner talks about how the U3A movement has been facilitating learning over the last few months.
Dulwich and District U3A Showcase
10 June 2020
Neil Abrahams from Dulwich and District talks about how they held an showcase online.
National Events
14 April 2020
Bernadette Murphy, author of Van Gogh’s Ear and guest speaker for a U3A National event now planned for later in the year, talks about her research
U3A Mindfulness Sessions now on Youtube
04 April 2020
Join our weekly mindfulness sessions on YouTube, run by Subject Adviser, Nancy Taylor.
U3A Diary Project - Living History
23 March 2020
Subect Advisers Jennifer Simpson (Shared Learning Projects) and Jo Livingstone (Living History) talk about the U3A Diary Project.
Maths for Fun
12 March 2020
Rosalind Flinn discusses the Maths for Fun group she runs at Chester U3A
U3A Robot Challenge 2019
18 October 2019
Barry James and Ernie Prevost, Cannock Chase U3A on a U3A robot challenge
23 August 2019
Pauline Blackmore on an amazing interest group in Stafford U3A
Interview with Award Winning Jazz Musician
14 August 2019
National Subject Adviser for Jazz, Mike Rance, talks to the saxophonist Alan Barnes
Hear My Lips
14 June 2019
In this first Sources guest blog, U3A invited Kim Snidjers from City Lit to talk more about their lipreading drive
Thoughts from a discussion group leader
07 June 2019
As part of national Volunteer Week, we are focusing on different ways to volunteer at U3A. Nick Hoskins, North Cotswold U3A talks about what it is like to lead a discussion group
A Chairman’s story
05 June 2019
As part of national Volunteer Week, we are focusing on different volunteer roles within U3A. John Batt, Minehead U3A talks about becoming chairman of his U3A
My experience as a u3a Egyptologist
03 June 2019
As part of national Volunteer Week, we are focusing on different ways to volunteer at U3A. Neil Stevenson, Upholland U3A, talks about setting up an interest group.
Shaping a Brighter Future for our Older Selves
26 February 2019
Ian Spero the Founder of Agile Ageing Alliance talks to U3A about launching their report – Neighbourhoods of the Future 2019
Making Waves
14 February 2019
John Lewis Bingham U3A talks about his experience of making his community radio debut with local station 103 The Eye
Ten years of Learning about Wine around Europe
17 December 2018
Alan Borrow, leader of the Wine Appreciation interest group at Elms Valley U3A talks about a decade of educational trips around Europe