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Swansea u3a member shares the experiences that shaped his poetry
02 January 2025
Barry from Swansea u3a looks back at his life and shares the people and experiences that shaped his poetry.
A Sonnet Inspired by Shakespeare
18 July 2023
Ben from Wolverhampton u3a shares a sonnet he wrote to his wife in his Brush Up Your Shakespeare group.
The Magic of Writing
21 June 2023
To celebrate National Writing Day, Subject Adviser for Creative Writing Marcia shares why she find writing so effective at bringing people together.
The Day that Changed My Life
11 March 2022
Epsom & Ewell u3a member Jan shares a poem about how a chance conversation about u3a changed her life.
Poetry from the u3a movement
19 February 2022
u3a members share their poetry about being part of u3a
National Poetry Day
07 October 2021
To celebrate National Poetry Day, Gamston & Edwalton u3a member Pauline shares her poetry.
u3a Movement Connects Through Poetry
17 September 2021
For National Poetry Day on 7 October, u3a are holding two national events with u3a members Hilda and Jane. Here, they share what it is that they love about poetry - and we would love to hear from you too.
The Delights of Creative Writing
17 June 2021
Robert from Stroud u3a talks about the joy he gets from his u3a creative writing group
A Love for Poetry
02 June 2021
Albert of Madeley and District u3a talks about poetry and how it has given him a renaissance.
VE Day Celebratory Poem
08 May 2020
Annie Roebuck, a member of Congleton U3A, wrote this poem for the 75th anniversary of VE Day
The appeal of poetry
06 June 2018
Ray Solly (Shepway & District U3A) on exploring poetry.