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How the new u3a Borders Network was Born

How the new u3a Borders Network was Born
07 January 2022

Maria, from the u3a Borders Network talks about how this new network came about.

How the Borders Network was born

It was in the middle of the summer and after months of being almost isolated from human contact that I attended the u3as in Scotland Assembly (June 2021). It was done via Zoom and I could see how hard my colleagues were working trying to keep our membership entertained and by doing so, mentally focused in something else than the infamous virus. I was lecturing and delivering summer school courses on line myself in order to achieve the same purpose.

Ann Keating is our Regional Trustee,  in her introductory speech, said something regarding “how well the Belt Network was working together” …that fired up my interest and I asked what was it and I was told that some u3as from Glasgow to Edinburgh were planning activities together; sharing some tutors and organising open meetings with an specific theme developed my them, as a joint effort.

That comment caught my attention and I loved the idea! We didn’t have one “network” in the Borders!

But it wasn't easy! It was in the middle of the summer, people attention was focused in walks, gardening and being outdoors after a very though winter with restrictions. I invited chairs, vicechairs and committee members to have an initial brainstorm via Zoom, regarding the idea of creating our own network.

The BORDERS NETWORK was officially “born” on 7-7-2021.

I hope that this network will organise all sort of activities together. I was invited to deliver a talk via Zoom to Queensland u3as s Network in Australia. It was wonderful to see how they created this photography, painting & drawing and creative writing competition, with a professional panel judging their work.

And that is the lesson to be learned: that by doing things, and keeping our “little grey cells” active we are fighting against purposeless, loneliness, depression and encouraging our members to belong and to share and to celebrate life together!

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