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Poetry from the u3a movement

Poetry from the u3a movement
19 February 2022

u3a members share their poetry about being part of u3a

We know there is so much poetry talent across the u3a movement. Here are two poems we've received from members about their u3a experience. If you love poetry, enter our u3a poetry competition - which closes on Friday 25 February.

u3a at its best - Jan of Epsom and Ewell u3a

I belong to a group It’s called singing for pleasure This is a group I consider As my kind of leisure

We sit down on chairs And pop up now and again Do a few things to warm up So, its exercise with no pain

Jenny stands at the front With her little bell To quieten those talking So, she doesn’t have to yell

She has fun with the microphone And the CDs when they don’t play Sometimes they are perfect Just depends on the day!

Lucky this group is considered not serious Because I try as hard as can be But some of the notes of some of the songs Are just way too high for me!

The only thing I can do about this Is to sometimes mime along To some of the lyrics or some of the lines Or perhaps even at times the whole song

But joking aside I love this group And Dilys and Jenny are fun There is banter and laughter and I really do try To sing how I know it should be done!

My u3a, - Margo, Lanark u3a

New Year resolutions may not be for you 2022 is a new start, what will Hubby and I do? We can’t sit and watch television anymore So we joined u3a and it’s opened a big social door

Are we too young or not fit enough? I can tell you we have tried lots of stuff A week early for the 1st coffee and chat A laugh with staff as I sat and I sat

I took hubby the following week Just so I wouldn’t look like a geek! Stories we shared, we didn’t feel our age Ended up Posing for pictures for the u3a page

The crime book not going back That’s coz am just a big scardy cat! Sampled lunch and discussion down at the Crown Join u3a and get about the town

Table tennis & badminton I’ve not played for years For days afterwards.... I was nearly in tears. Looking forward to trying more u3a groups Where is the class for the big hula hoop’s.

Tickle ball... is my favourite game My sporting life won’t be the same Telling friends... am going for a tickle... Nearly got yours truly a right old pickle!

Our u3a is 10th years young we’ve all got plenty of life Not long after, I became a new wife 10th anniversary GIFTS are supposed to be made of TIN I’d much rather have a LARGE glass of GIN!

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