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Learning as a network with Trust workshops

17 January 2025

Rosie, Nottinghamshire Network Support Officer, shares how u3as within her network have been able to work through the issues they are facing with the help of workshops delivered by the Third Age Trust.

A woman sitting, smiling at something on her ipad 
Photo: Centre for Ageing Better image library

Being on a u3a Committee can sometimes feel daunting. However, the u3a movement is here to support you, and the Trust workshops are designed to guide you through your responsibilities while highlighting the wealth of support available. These workshops are more than just informative sessions—they are opportunities for committee members to learn from each other, share experiences, and build a collaborative network.

For the past two years, the Notts Network has been working with the Trust to deliver workshops for our u3as, we find that they not only provide essential knowledge but also foster ongoing conversations within peer support groups. These workshops are designed to spark follow-up discussions and encourage continuous learning, ensuring that all attendees gain a deeper understanding of the topics covered.

One of the key benefits of requesting a workshop as a network is the collective learning experience it offers. By addressing shared challenges and questions, we create a space where members can openly discuss, raise questions, and learn together. This shared approach to learning has proven to be invaluable, as it reassures committee members that they are not alone in facing these challenges.

The Nottinghamshire network has developed a successful workshop model that works well for us, running two workshops annually — in May and November. This routine has become a reliable and anticipated part of our u3a network's calendar, allowing members to plan and participate successfully.

The topics for these workshops are driven by the interests of our network members. Whether raised during network meetings or brought up as individual challenges, these subjects are selected to address the real issues that our u3a committees face. For example, we recently requested a workshop on Managing Complaints to gain further clarity on policies and procedures. In the past, we’ve covered topics like Keeping it Legal, Running Your u3a -Information for Trustees and we’re looking forward to hosting a session on Equality, Diversity, and Inclusion.

The feedback from these workshops speaks for itself:

• 94% of participants rated our online workshops between 4 and 5 out of 5.
• 92.1% agreed that the workshop increased their understanding of the subject.
• Over 90% would recommend the workshop

Here’s what some of our members had to say:

“Very informative session on some dry subjects. I liked the examples given, as it helps understand how policies can be applied as well as greater clarity on what our responsibilities are.” — Keeping it Legal

“A great workshop and well delivered. Some useful thought-provoking examples were used for the breakout rooms." - Managing Complaints

Find out more about workshops for your network on the workshops page.

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