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Planting Across the Movement
u3as across the UK share how they've been planting trees and hedges to mark their milestones.
Alcester u3a
Written by Alcester u3a Membership Secretary, Lyn
Alcester u3a life member, Pamela, celebrated her 100th birthday on 16 February with a party for family and friends, which included the town’s Mayor and Court Leet Officers. A well-known and hugely popular figure in Alcester, Pamela has been a long-standing member of Alcester u3a and to commemorate her birthday, they purchased 5 trees to be planted in the u3a woodland in the Brecon Beacons National Park.
Alcester u3a Chairman, John, presented Pamela with a certificate of the planting of the trees, a gift that is very appropriate for this centenarian who champions every effort to save the planet and whose garden is a haven for wildlife.
Wetherby u3a
Written by Wetherby & District u3a committee member, Alan
On Thursday 6 April a number of members, some new and some longstanding, came to witness the planting of a silver birch tree in celebration in 2022 of 40 years of the u3a nationally and 12 years of Wetherby & District u3a. The honours were carried out by the co-founders and life-members, Mary and Lesley . Many of those present reflected on the fact that the germ of an idea had blossomed to where Wetherby & District u3a is today, with over 1200 members and more than 100 interest groups. It was hoped that the tree would flourish in the same way that our u3a had done over the past now 13 years.
Bicester u3a
Written by Chair of Bicester u3a, David
Bicester u3a have made a contribution to the Burnehyll Community Woodland project, where an orchard is being created. We hope that eventually there will be a plaque acknowledging the u3a. contribution.
Four Border Abbeys u3a
Written by Four Border Abbeys u3a member Jerry
2022 marked both the 40th anniversary of the national u3a Third Age Trust, and the 20th anniversary of the founding of our local branch.
To mark these two occasions, the retiring Chair of the Four Border Abbeys u3a Andrew, together with Hazel Woodsell and the Kelso Heritage Society, and u3a member and specialist Richard, organised the planting of a commemorative hedge at the Kelso Community Orchard.
The hedge is a mixture of hornbeam, beech and hawthorn, which will encourage wildlife and enhance the Community Orchard.
This week a plaque was unveiled to mark the event.
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