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National Poetry Day

National Poetry Day
07 October 2021

To celebrate National Poetry Day, Gamston & Edwalton u3a member Pauline shares her poetry.

7 October is National Poetry Day. In celebration, u3a member Pauline shares her love for poetry and some of her own poems.

I believe I was just seven years old when I found a love of the English Language and was given a poetry book which inspired me to write my first poem. I learnt many poems by rote at school, but I have loved poetry to this day and like to write when the mood inspires me and according to the occasion. I usually pen a poem at Christmas time too, and often include poems in celebration cards. Patience Strong, whose books I enjoyed in my youth, gave me the inspiration to do this.

I became a member of West Bridgford u3a, latterly leading the Creative Writing Group, and then joined Gamston & Edwalton u3a. We formed a Writing for Fun group. The majority of us write stories and after every Christmas, the group also bring their favourite poems to read. When I find it challenging to write creatively, I sometimes produce a poem on the topic instead. I feel that in poems you can express yourself in many ways and in different genres, which makes it both enjoyable to write and read. I have always loved Pam Ayres so tend to write in the same genre.

Unfortunately, we don’t have a Poetry Group at the present time, but there is scope here to explore this. I have a few poetry books, one in particular was very special as it was Love Poems given to me by dear friends when I remarried some 14 years ago. Poetry gives you the opportunity to be as expressive as you feel you want to me and can convey a variety of emotions which can be shared by one and all.

National Poetry Day

We celebrate and share today In words with special meaning, To write down in whatever way The thoughts that we are feeling.

With emotions inspired from above, The choice is yours to make, They may be sad or filled with love But together we will partake.

Today we meet from near and far From the comfort of our room Which seems a trifle quite bizarre But Thank God we are able to Zoom.

Which one to Choose?

I have made a list, and with a skip and a hop I’m off to the village for my weekly shop. I ponder which trolley, or basket to use, And start on the aisle with fresh orange juice.

The list I have left on my passenger seat, I must try to remember what we need to eat. Essentials all bought and extras not needed, Being hungry, to the cakes I duly proceeded.

Do I choose a sticky bun or have a scone, When I get to the counter will they all be gone? I move to the front and they are still there, So I opt to have both without even a care.

I ought to eat fruit but which one to pick, The cherries, or grapes, I have to be quick, Perhaps I’ll reach for bananas instead The assistant looks at me with shear dread.

Do I really need three instead of one But the bargain has only just begun. It might not be on offer next week, The truth must come out, I have a mean streak!

I get to the checkout and join the small queue How much it will cost I haven’t a clue. I pay and go home but I’m not feeling fine, Next week I think I will just shop online!

u3a members Hilda and Jane have also discussed what it is that they find compelling about poetry - read that here.

u3a members are connecting together through poetry today. This is one of our many national virtual events open to all u3a members. See what else is happening on our events page.


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