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Prestatyn Rhyl and District u3a celebrate their 10th anniversary
Prestatyn Rhyl and District u3a celebrated their 10th anniversary in style with cake and (non-alcoholic) fizz and shared memories of the early days.
Peter at the celebration event (pictured above holding the microphone) sharing his memories on how Prestatyn, Rhyl and District u3a first came into being.
Member Pam shares, "The original team was George, Gerry, Maureen and me. We had a few chats and then contacted u3a Head office. Some info was sent and we worked things out, then a Lady from HQ came to meet us and explained things in more detail. We decided to test the local ' Market'. I made posters and we put them in various supermarkets and libraries with details of the meeting, which was held upstairs in the Pavilion . I think there were about 60/70 people present, the u3a Leader was there as well. At the end of the meeting we asked people to put their names etc down and also to say what sort of groups they would like. A committee was formed from those present and our 1st meeting was held at the community centre on Wellington road. The first groups were the Local Lunch and Exotic diners."
Member Virginia continues, "We launched our new u3a group at The Pavilion in Rhyl. We set up tables with signs indicating the type of interest group people might be drawn to.
Finding venues for groups to meet was challenging from the beginning. We had to search for community halls or rooms, find out which day/s they were available, the cost and any conditions of use. We were each working independently & sometimes one of our Interest Group Leaders had snapped it up for their group.
I encouraged both Cathie and Marilyn, friends who I knew had taught French at Further Education College and High School respectively, to consider running a French group for our u3a.
Whilst there was much interest in Lunch groups- two forming pretty quickly - a few of us wanted to eat out in the evening. We formed the Exotic Eaters and went to restaurants in Chester including a Thai place where the chef threw doughnuts to us!! This has now altered somewhat, renamed The Supper Club, but always seeking places where there’s a chef in the kitchen and an exciting menu which includes Gluten Free, fish choices and veggie/vegan dishes. It’s very pleasing that, despite one or two problems over the years, the group has survived and membership is growing again.
Known by members as PRD u3a, members come together for the monthly open meeting and the French groups and Local Lunches are still going strong.
You can read more on the PRD u3a website.
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