Barbara and Don from the East of England talk about the new regional u3a Aviation group - and their recent trip to an Aerodrome museum.

The East of England Region Aviation Group is a group of enthusiasts who enjoy coming together to talk about all things aviation. We are intrigued with both the history and future of aviation; like-minded folks with a passion for airplanes.
The Group meets monthly online via zoom for presentations from members and guest speakers who share their knowledge and experience with all sorts of aviation related subjects. Barbara is the cheerful hostess welcoming members to the meeting and keeping them apprised of future meetings and events.
Members of the Group recently met at the Stow Maries WWI Aerodrome Museum near Maldon for tea, a guided tour and lunch. A wonderful day was had with such an informative tour shared by newly acquainted members.
We encourage members to participate in the monthly presentations by sharing their knowledge and enthusiasm for a particular topic. Barbara and Don can assist a member with his/her briefing by facilitating the mechanics of zoom and Power Point presentations.
If you are interested in aviation we invite you to come aboard and experience the wealth of subjects presented and discussed for in this endeavour ‘the sky is the limit.’ To find out more, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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