The u3a subject adviser for Jazz, Howard, talks about the joy of music for World Music Day.

The u3a subject adviser for Jazz, Howard, talks about the joy of music for World Music Day.
At u3a, we have hundreds of music groups ranging from folk to rock to classical.
Howard is the u3a subject adviser for Jazz.
He says: “Music brings people together in shared experiences whether it be listening to recordings or the exhilaration of a magnificent live performance.
“It can also improve mood, reduce anxiety and through bringing people together be a fun and creative antidote to loneliness and social isolation.
“When it comes to jazz all the same qualities apply but social history and improvisation add extra dimensions. Jazz music often provokes a visceral response such as movement and dance, particularly if the music is live and a relationship develops between musicians and audiences.”
There are many music groups across u3a and, for most, no musical knowledge is necessary – just a passion for learning, having fun and socialising. Find out more on the u3a website.
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